Thursday, April 30, 2009

Class Notes 4/30/09

1. Read
2. Words or Concepts
3. Concepts or ideas; quotes
4. Where do you stand?
5. Evidence? Relationships?
-anecdontes--> I
-Other classes --> MLKjr.
- Background
- Books
- Articles
6. Details/Summarize

Paragraph 1: Thesis -> Last Sentence
Paragraph 2?: A. Author + Title on prompt
B. Quote -> Brief summary of quotes
Paragraphs: Body -> argument evidence

Don't Use:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Assessing Assessments

I was a look behinder and I know that I need to get all the sources because I have not searched for my sources yet. What I realized when looking at someone elses sources; I realized what kind of sources I could use that I thought were not valid. I also learned different ways to find my sources and other database that might have better sources for my topic.

I have not assess any of my own resources because I don't have any yet, but I will take out the time and assess if the source is authoritative or not. I would have to search for articles, journals, and magazines.

Resources Reflection

I found most of my sources on the internet. I hadn't had much time to search everything, but I know that most of the sources would be found in the SJSU library database. I would go and search for MySpace users.

While researching the information that I've found had altered what I was planning to writing. I have thought differently about MySpace and how it is used amongst the users.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Social Networking - Draft Thesis

Many people have had problems with privacy while using social networks because peoples accounts are easily accessible; this issue is also a high risk for MySpace users.

- Articles on privacy issues for MySpace users
- Magazines
- MySpace Privacy Policy

Networking Service on Wikipedia

My networking service that I research is MySpace. The information that was provided by gave very detailed information about MySpace and seems to be very accurate. Wikipedia explained in detail about how MySpace is used and when updates were made. Wikipedia seems to be very accurate, but the only way to be sure is to actually go on to MySpace and search the rules and how it works. The information that was provided from Wikipedia that are usable are the contents about MySpace and the definition that was provided. The definition of MySpace from Wikipedia was clear and well written.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Social Networking


Myspace is a way for people to go online either to meet friends, co-workers, lover, or just to have a myspace. Myspace gives people that are afraid or hard to make friends meet through a networking service that is free. Myspace lets each person customize their our page however they like. There can be different backgrounds, sounds, pictures,... etc. Myspace could be used to advertise, find an old friend, or make new friends. Myspace can be used by anyone, but if a person is under the age of 14 that person's profile is set to private and has to be added to be viewable. Myspace is a useful way for anyone to make friends or get to know another person without having to go through the phone. Myspace enables a person to chat, send messages or even comments. Myspace's privacy depends on each profile, meaning the profile that each person has is able to be set to the status of private or for friends only to view, or everyone to view. The person that owns that profile has to approve of a comment or approve that person to be their friend or buddy. Pictures works the same way, they could be set for only the profile holder to view, or friends only, or everyone. Therefore, myspace is a good social networking site people could go on and get to know others.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Assessing Technology Articles

In article "Letters From the Past," by Laurie Schutza, she spends time explaining how she had found a bundle of letters on the bottom of a box of photos, these letters were expressing her thoughts and feelings about how indepth the letters were from her father to his parents. She speaks about how the new technology such as e-mail and the telephone has changed the way people communicate. Before, people would write long letters that are about 5-6 pages long, which would express emotion.